What is Chrysalis?
Before it becomes a butterfly, a caterpillar goes through a growth stage during which it is called a “chrysalis.” On the surface it may not look like much is happening, but the delicate chrysalis process changes the fuzzy caterpillar into an awesome butterfly with wings of intricate designs and intense colours. The chrysalis process symbolizes how Christ can transform you into something beyond your dreams. It happens when you grow beyond yourself, opening your life to Jesus’ power and love.“Chrysalis” is the name chosen for the youth and young adjust version of The Walk To Emmaus, its parent movement, because it symbolizes the spiritual growth that is essential between adolescence and adulthood. That growth is as crucial for youth as the cocoon is for the caterpillar. It is that precious time of nurturing a person’s faith for discipleship.
Chrysalis “Flights” (for 16-23 year olds) are three-day events. This three-day spiritual renewal time provides an opportunity for you to learn more about faith, to experience Christian love and support, and to make new faith commitments. The point is to inspire, challenge and equip you for a close friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, church, school, and community.
Chrysalis lifts up a way for you to enjoy Christ’s friendship and love and be Christ’s friend and partner in the world. The three day focus on God’s grace, your experience with Christ as friend, what it means to be the body of Christ, and giving love to a needy world.
When are the next Flights?
There are no flights currently scheduled in the Port Elizabeth Community.
There are no flights currently scheduled in the Port Elizabeth Community.
Purpose of a Chrysalis Flight?
The focus of CHRYSALIS is commitment to Jesus Christ through the local church. The objective of CHRYSALIS is to inspire, challenge, and equip local young adults for a closer friendship with Christ and for Christian action at home, church, school and community. CHRYSALIS lights up a way for you to be a friend of Christ in the world.
Who Should Attend a Chrysalis Flight?
CHRYSALIS is for the development of Christian young adults who:
- wish to strengthen their friendship with Christ.
- may have unanswered questions about prayer, study, and sharing of faith.
- understand that being a friend of Christ or a Christian involves responsibility.
- are open to dedicating their everyday life to God in an ongoing manner.
What Happens on a Chrysalis Flight?
You’ll spend three days with other people your age in worship, prayer, fellowship, creative expression, recreation, singing, and discussion. You’ll experience the love of God through prayers and the acts of service from a loving support community. Think of it as three days for you to discover or re-discover your spiritual self, to analyze and realize who you are in Christ.
You’ll hear talks that focus on the needs of maturing youth of young adults, offer the message of the gospel and the friendship and example of Jesus Christ. Each day speakers present topics with live examples, followed by discussion, reflection, and creative expression of how these messages can encourage your personal faith.
What Happens AFTER a Chrysalis Flight?
You are invited to participate in small groups of other young people who support and encourage one another to continue growing through study and fellowship. This helps you build on your CHRYSALIS weekend for the rest of your life.
What is Sponsorship?
Each young person who attends Chrysalis has a “sponsor” who supports and encourages him/her before, during, and after the Chrysalis experience.
Sponsorship is the way in which the Chrysalis experience is passed on from person to person, reflecting the manner in which God purposefully reaches out to people through other people. After a Chrysalis Weekend, participants want to share the gift of those three days with others. Sponsorship provides them a caring and disciplined way for them to share. And in doing so, sponsors participate in and demonstrate God’s outreaching love.
Sponsorship is taken for granted in many communities. The assumption is that everyone knows the how and why of sponsorship. Sometimes sponsorship is only discussed with reference to the number of participants signed up for a Chrysalis Weekend.
Sponsorship, however, is the most important job in the Chrysalis Movement. It is a job shared by the adults who have been through Emmaus and the young people who have been through Chrysalis. It is more than simply “signing youth up.” The importance of a Chrysalis Community being educated about good sponsorship cannot be overemphasized. The quality of sponsorship impacts the new participants, the health of the Chrysalis Movement in an area, and the churches being affected by Chrysalis.
How do I Sponsor Someone?
The Aim Of Sponsorship
The aim of sponsorship is the same as the aim of Chrysalis: the spiritual growth of young Christians as disciples of Jesus Christ through churches and their youth groups. The aim is not to get all your friends to go, to have a full three days, or to fix a problem. Rather, sponsorship is motivated by hopes that friends will experience the accepting and healing grace of God through Christian community; hear anew the gospel of God’s love in Jesus Christ and the basics of Christian faith and life; make friends with other youth who share the faith and will support each other in living as Christians; develop relationships with mature Christian adults, relationships that might extend beyond the Chrysalis three days; be strengthened in their decisions to follow Jesus and become better prepared to live as Christian witnesses at home, school, church, and community; and bring new vitality to the church and youth group after the three days.
Ages Of Participants
Chrysalis is for young people seventeen to twenty four years of age. Chrysalis is for young people who are ready to think about the realities and struggles of life on a more adult level: “What am I going to do with my life?” “Who do I want to become?” “What do I believe?” “What kinds of relationships are lasting and meaningful?” “What does it mean to live as a Christian, and how do I do it?” Young people gain more from Chrysalis when they are spiritually ready, and when they are looking toward their future.
Whom To Sponsor
Who is Chrysalis really for and who is to be sponsored?
- Young people who are attending church and youth groups.
- Leaders in the church youth group.
- Mature youth and leaders on campus.
- Youth with fledgling faith or limited Christian background.
- Youth in the church who are not involved in the youth group activities.
- Youth of various races, economic backgrounds, and churches.
12 Steps of Sponsorship:
1. Plan
Plan with other sponsors to sponsor more than one young person from your church, if possible. They will have friends with whom to go and with whom to share their NEXT STEPS. Plan especially to sponsor those whose leadership and involvement will vitalize the youth group.